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Table 2 Dimensionality reduction techniques implemented in Synergy Maps

From: Synergy Maps: exploring compound combinations using network-based visualization



Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [35]

Scikit-learn [45]

Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)

Scikit-learn [45]

Student’s t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (t-SNE)

According to original publication [36]

  1. Three differing dimensionality reduction techniques were employed; these methods provide a means to interpret the approximate structure of data in extremely high dimensional space (such as physicochemical space) on a two dimensional page. PCA locates a lower dimensional hyperplane of highest variance in a hyperspace, and projects the data onto the hyperplane. MDS attempts to preserve distances in high dimensional space with those lower dimensional space. Student’s t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding also employs distance based scaling, yet imposes statistical distributions on these; it has been asserted [36] that it outperforms other methods for locating structure in high dimensional data, whilst avoiding overcrowding the centre of the low dimensional space with data points.