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Fig. 5 | Journal of Cheminformatics

Fig. 5

From: Cheminformatics approach to exploring and modeling trait-associated metabolite profiles

Fig. 5

Integrated circular dendrogram generated using MACCS fingerprint with average linkage and Soergel distance. Cells next to metabolites names are colored dark blue if they belong to a pathway significantly enriched (hypergeometric test; FDR < .05) for metabolites found to be significant in the differential analysis for ADC1 serum (top band) or ADC1 plasma (bottom band). Metabolites names are colored green if they were significant in at least one data set. Fisher exact test for greater probability of pathway membership for metabolites within the highlighted cluster (orange) than those without *(FDR < .05), ** (FDR < .01), *** (FDR < .001)

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