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Table 2 Summary of other configuration settings

From: GloMPO (Globally Managed Parallel Optimization): a tool for expensive, black-box optimizations, application to ReaxFF reparameterizations


Tested values



10\(^\text {-6}\), 10\(^\text {-11}\) and 10\(^\text {-20}\)

Refers to the tolfun convergence setting of the individual CMA optimizer instances

Max Serial Jobs (\(n_s\))

5, 10, 15 and 20

Number of unmanaged optimizers run in a single bout

Max GloMPO Jobs (\(n_g\))

2, 4, 7 and 10

Number of managed optimizers alive at any moment during a GloMPO managed bout. Note, this is not the total number of optimizers used as GloMPO may replace any of its children at any time


Random, Incumbent

Random: uniformly randomly selected point in parameter space. Incumbent: best point seen thus far by the manager