From: COCONUT online: Collection of Open Natural Products database
Natural product feature | Field name in MongoDB—uniqueNaturalProduct collection | Displayed on the website |
COCONUT identifier | coconut_id | x |
List of SMILES with stereochemistry and their provenance | absolute_smiles | x |
AlogP (Ghose-Crippen LogKow) | alogp | x |
AlogP2 | alogp2 | x |
AMR—molar refractivity | amralogp |  |
Annotation level of the NP (from 1 to 5) | annotationLevel | x |
BCUT decriptor (Eigenvalue based) | bcutDescriptor | Â |
Bond number in the NP | bond_count | x |
BPol descriptor | bpol | x |
CAS number | cas | x |
List of literature DOIs mentioning the NP | citationDOI | x |
Boolean—if the molecule contains linear sugars | contains_linear_sugars |  |
Boolean—if the molecule contains circular sugars | contains_ring_sugars |  |
Boolean—if the molecule contains sugar moieties | contains_sugar |  |
deepSMILES | deep_smiles | x |
Eccentric Connectivity Index Descriptor | eccentricConnectivityIndexDescriptor | x |
List of tl Functional Groups | ertlFuntionalFragments | Â |
List of Ertl Functional Groups in pseudo SMILES | ertlFunctionalFragmentsPseudoSmiles | Â |
FMF descriptor | fmfDescriptor | x |
List of data sources containing the NP | found_in_databases | Â |
Fragment complexity descriptor | fragmentComplexityDescriptor | x |
List of circular fragments (molecular signatures) of the deglycosylated NP | fragments | Â |
List of circular fragments (molecular signatures) of the whole NP | fragmentsWithSugar | Â |
Fractional CSP3 Descriptor (non-flatness of a molecule) | fsp3 | x |
List of continents and regions where the organism producing the NP is found | geoLocation | Â |
Gravitational index descriptor (heavy atoms only) | gravitationalIndexHeavyAtoms | Â |
Hydrogen bond acceptor count | hBondAcceptorCount | Â |
Hydrogen bond donor count | hBondDonorCount | Â |
Number of heavy atoms in the NP | heavy_atom_number | x |
Hybridization Ratio Descriptor (fraction of sp3 carbons to sp2 carbons) | hybridizationRatioDescriptor | Â |
InChI (without stereochemistry) | inchi | x |
InChI key | inchikey | x |
IUPAC name | iupac_name | x |
First kappa shape index | kappaShapeIndex1 | Â |
Second kappa shape index | kappaShapeIndex2 | Â |
Third kappa shape index | kappaShapeIndex3 | Â |
Number of failures in the Lipinski rule of 5 | lipinskiRuleOf5Failures | x |
LogP descriptor (Mannhold version) | manholdlogp | Â |
Maximal number of rings in the NP | max_number_of_rings | x |
Minimal number of rings in the NP | min_number_of_rings | x |
Molecular formula | molecular_formula | x |
Molecular weight | molecular_weight | x |
Murcko Framework | murcko_framework | x |
Official name (when available) | name | x |
NP-likeness score | npl_score | x |
NP-likeness score computed on the glycosylated molecule | npl_sugar_score | Â |
Total number of carbons | number_of_carbons | x |
Total number of nitrogens | number_of_nitrogens | Â |
Total number of oxygens | number_of_oxygens | Â |
Number of sporo atoms | numberSpiroAtoms | Â |
Petitjean Number Descriptor | petitjeanNumber | x |
Petitjean geometrical shape index | petitjeanShapeGeom | Â |
Petitjean geometrical shape index | petitjeanShapeTopo | Â |
PubChem fingerprint in MongoDB BinData format | pubchemBits | Â |
PubChem fingerprint as list of booleans | pubchemFingerprint | Â |
SMILES with all hydrogen explicit | smiles | x |
Number of heavy atoms of the deglycosylated moiety | sugar_free_heavy_atom_number | Â |
SILES of the deglycosylated moiety | sugar_free_smiles | Â |
Total atom number of the deglycosylated moiety | sugar_free_total_atom_number | Â |
List of synonym names of the NP | synonyms | x |
List of NCBI taxonomy identifiers of organisms producing the NP | taxid | Â |
List of organisms producing the NP in text form | textTaxa | Â |
Topological polar surface area descriptor | topoPSA | Â |
Total atom count in the NP (incuding hydrogens) | total_atom_number | Â |
Fractional polar surface area descriptor | tpsaEfficiency | Â |
Unique SMILES (CDK) | unique_smiles | x |
Volume descriptor | vabcDescriptor | Â |
Vertex adjacency information | vertexAdjMagnitude | Â |
Wiener Path Number | wienerPathNumber | x |
Wiener Polarity Number | wienerPolarityNumber | Â |
XLogP descriptor | xlogp | x |
Cross-references to toher chemical ressources | xrefs | x |
Zagreb Index | zagrebIndex | x |
Chemical superclass of the NP computed with ClassyFire | chemicalSuperClass | x |
Chemical class of the NP computed with ClassyFire | chemicalClass | x |
Chemical subclass of the NP computed with ClassyFire | chemicalSubClass | x |
Direct parent in the chemical ontology of the NP computed with ClassyFire | directParentClassification | x |