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Fig. 6 | Journal of Cheminformatics

Fig. 6

From: MOFGalaxyNet: a social network analysis for predicting guest accessibility in metal–organic frameworks utilizing graph convolutional networks

Fig. 6

Four examples of MOFs with different PLD sizes. A Ni-Asp-bipy is a non-porous MOF, B UiO-66 (refcode: RUBTAK) has a PLD of 3.99 Å, making it a MOF with small pores, C HKUST-1 (refcode: FIQCEN) has a PLD of 5.23 Å, categorizing it as a MOF with medium-sized pores, D IRMOF-10 (refcode: LIHFAK) has a PLD of 12.07725 Å and is considered a MOF with large pores.

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